Saturday, November 20, 2010

What on Earth?

What on earth am I doing starting a blog???  I teach full time and don't even have enough time to fulfill all my duties at home.  Now I'm starting a blog?  Yikes!  Here's why . . . I say a million times "I really need to be writing all this down."  I saw a friend's blog that is stories of how they're experiencing God's faithfulness.  I thought "I should do that.  Then it will be written down."  (Don't you love knowing IN QUOTES what I was thinking?  Ha ha ha, like people care . . . :)

Anyway, this will be my attempt to write down God's faithfulness so we, our family, or anyone who is interested will have a record.  "We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done."  Psalm 78:4

Please feel absolutely NO OBLIGATION to read my blog.  (Now that's silly, isn't it?  Because that's assuming you're reading it now . . . ha ha ha!)  I am doing this for MYSELF!  If someone else can be blessed by God's faithfulness to us, then FABULOUS!

So there it is . . . look forward to hearing stories of God's faithfulness in our lives (and they are many) or look forward to ignoring blog updates about stories of God's faithfulness in our lives.  Ha ha ha, either way is fine by me!  :)


  1. I love your response to the charge to tell the next generation. Blogs are a great way to write it out, and I'm looking forward to hearing about God's faithfulness to the Wilkinson family. Just please remember to post a facebook link. Love to you!

  2. Dang it! My phone auto corrected your last name! I meant Wilkerson! Sigh.

  3. Loooking forward to reading stories of God's faithfulness in your life:)
